We aim to meet the needs of each individual child through personalised activities and opportunities. Our curriculum is led by the child: their developmental stages and their interests,
The children are able to play indoors and out throughout the day and are able to access a wide variety of imaginative and carefully designed experiences. All areas of learning as described in the Early Years Foundation Stage are provided with a particular focus on The Characteristics of Effective Learning.
Children develop their independence skills as they are able to choose their own snacks, equipment and play opportunities. Staff are on hand to assist the children and support them, whatever their needs.
We focus on providing a warm, friendly atmosphere where children develop their personal and social skills by playing with their friends and building positive relationships . We have a settling in programme until your child is happy to stay and play and you are happy to leave them. We allocate a key person to each child and their family, there to ensure that your child always has a familiar adult around. They have responsibility for designing or tailoring activities to meet your child's needs.
The setting is safe and secure and you can be confident that your child can explore and experiment whilst being supported by a highly qualified and experienced staff team.